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Shri Mohan Charan Majhi

Chief Minister

Shri Nityananda Gond

Minister of School & Mass Education

Smt Shalini Pandit (IAS)

Commissioner Cum Secretary

Shri Srikant Tarai, OAS (SS)


Dr. Nihar Ranjan Mohanty, OES

Vice President


About BSE Odisha

The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha is a Body Corporate constituted under the Odisha Secondary Education Act, 1953. It regulates, controls and developes Secondary Education in the State of Odisha. It Provides varied courses in order to equip students for different occupations, to prepare them for University education and to equip them for various cultural purposes. It examines those who have completed a prescribed course of study and awards certificates to the successful candidates. Besides, it does all other things which are incidental to the above.

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